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Animals and the Inspection Process...

  • Service dogs are welcomed to attend inspections and their safety will be pointedly considered as the
    inspection progresses. The inspector must first deem any area as safe for our friend's entry; and they
    must be constantly supervised by the client throughout the inspection process.
    *Release waivers, signed by clients in order to attend, extend to the service animals in their care.   


  • Pet animals MUST BE KEPT AT A SAFE DISTANCE from active inspection areas and working inspectors. 

  • Please inform your inspector of any pets that will be present on the property at the time of inspection.
    **Release waivers
    , signed by clients in order to attend, extend to the pet animals in their care. 
    ***Please make a special note of animals who are escape artists!


  • Where possible it is ideal for the safety of animals, inspectors and clients, for pet animals to be safely relocated during the time of inspection.  When relocation is not possible, the resulting inspection report may have to disclaim areas that were inaccessible due to pet inhabitance. 

  • It is the pet owners responsibility to keep their pets safe and away from inspection areas and working inspectors.  Pets who can get under-foot pose a safety risk and may prevent the inspector from continuing inspection in one or all areas. Inspectors cannot negotiate with animals to gain area access.

  • If your animals are in any way aggressive or territorial please-please-please let your inspectors know.
    It is recognized that animals cannot read our human contracts, and inspectors are easily viewed by pets
    as invading their homes (and we totally are; just not with their permission!)  No hard feelings, hopefully:
    just looking out for our pet friends who really prefer inspectors to steer clear. OUR RESPECTS, BUDDY.


  • Victoria Green is a friend to all animals! She will attempt to make introductions in order to put the animals at ease, as much as possible: BUT MUST DO SO IN THE PRESENCE OF THE ANIMAL'S OWNER. 
    ****Please be sure to inform her of any stressors that will get negative reactions.


  • Victoria Green will always seek explicit permission before interacting with any animal friends and
    will only ever do so with the guidance of the animal's owner.

    THANK YOU, for helping Test The Nest Inspections LLC keep animals safe in their homes!

Test The Nest Inspections LLC

Home Inspection in Denver and the surrounding Colorado areas.

©2022 by Test The Nest Inspections LLC. Proudly created with

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